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About us




We, Snowjam Canada Inc. have been specialized in sports equipment for almost 30 years and have created different brands for both summer and winter seasons. 540 and Technine are our winter brands, manufacturing snowboards and accessories, whereas our new outdoor brand, Jargon, produces inflatable SUP’s, water accessories, and other summer products.


Moreover, we are proud to be distributing F2 ISUP products to the North American market and thrilled to be working alongside such a historic brand in the world of water-sport product development. First established as a windsurf business more than 40 years ago, F2 later moved into making kite surfs, surf boards, rigid and inflatable paddle boards, and even snowboards.


Snowjam was founded in the state of Massachusetts (USA) in 1994. After operating there for 14 years, we transferred the headquarters to Canada, settling into the province of Quebec in 2008 (where we are happily still running our business from now).


Thanks to our warehouses in Quebec, Vermont and California, we distribute the bulk of our products to customers all over Canada and the US.


Make a splash with WaveRide, designed for everyone passionate about all things surfing.

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